Written by: David Liddle FRSA MBA

A Freely Available Resolution Framework by David Liddle

26 Mar 2021

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About the author:

David Liddle FRSA MBA
If you would like to discuss David's post in more detail, please contact David at [email protected]


The TCM Group is making its award-winning Resolution Framework™ freely available to organisations across the UK during 2021

In a recent survey conducted by the TCM Group, the UK’s leading provider of resolution in the workplace, 60% of respondents stated that COVID-19 had made it harder to resolve issues of conflict at work. Overall 83% of respondents expressed interested in replacing their traditional Grievance and Disciplinary procedures with a new overarching framework.[1]

Recognising a widespread need for change during a time of crisis, during 2021 The TCM Group is making its award-winning Resolution Framework™ freely available to organisations across the UK who share the belief that there must be a better way to conflict resolution than traditional policies.

The Framework is a fully legally compliant alternative to the traditional discipline and grievance procedures. A collaborative and robust system for resolving complaints, grievances and disciplinary issues, it balances the rights of all parties with their underlying interests and their needs, encouraging the constructive resolution of workplace issues, whilst retaining the mechanisms by which an employer can apply formal sanctions including dismissal, in cases which merit it.

Mission to replace destructive grievance procedures


“It is TCM’s mission to embed the Resolution Framework™ within every UK organisation over the next 2 years, to replace traditional disciplines and grievance procedures”


“During 2021 we will be offering this new framework free to organisations who share our vision.”

It is clear from our research the majority of organisations are keen to replace pernicious, destructive, and damaging Grievance and Disciplinary policies with a new model, based around fairness and early resolution, where possible.

“Traditional Grievance and Disciplinary policies have failed. They offer a mirage of justice and an illusion of fairness.”

For a long time now at the TCM Group we have been calling out the fact that formal policy frameworks act as a form of control on the workforce. The traditional HR policy framework is a direct driver of stress, harm, fear, and dysfunction. It impedes creativity, undermines individual and organisational performance, destroys trust, and diminishes the value of the entire HR function. Not to mention the time and the cost spent administering it.

“HR teams and leaders who are serious about resolving people issues, should act quickly to remove these traditional policies from their employee handbook and replace them with a new model, fit for the 21st century. It is not possible to call oneself a progressive or compassionate HR professional, manager or business leader, and still wield insidious discipline and grievance procedures when things go wrong.”

About TCM’s Resolution Framework™

TCM’s Resolution Framework™ offers widespread benefits to organisations, including:

  • Consistency, rigour, fairness, objectivity and full compliance with the ACAS Code on Discipline and Grievance.
  • A unique triage process, to decide, on a case-by-case basis, the best approach to resolution.
  • Enhanced used of local resolution coaching, facilitation, mediation and restorative justice.
  • The ability to act swiftly and reasonably in more serious cases.
  • Reduced time, costs and stress.

Organisations can order a free copy of the framework here.

[1] Surveys were conducted among a total of 90 respondents in November 2020 and January 2021

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