Written by: Robyn Marsh

Connecting company values with purpose and behaviours

20 Nov 2023

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About the author:

Robyn Marsh
If you would like to discuss Robyn's post in more detail, please contact Robyn at [email protected]


Company values serve as the compass that guides an organisation, aligning its actions with a higher purpose and fostering a culture of integrity and excellence. In this week’s article, we delve into the pivotal role that well-defined company values play in connecting to organisational purpose and behaviours.

1. Establishing a Clear Direction:

Company values serve as the North Star for an organisation. When articulated clearly, they provide a roadmap for decision-making at all levels. These values become the guiding principles that help employees navigate challenges and make choices that are in alignment with the company’s overarching mission and vision.

2. Building a Strong Organisational Culture:

A company’s values are the building blocks of its culture. They shape the way employees interact with each other, clients, and stakeholders. Strong values create a shared identity, fostering a sense of belonging and pride among team members. This sense of unity contributes to a positive workplace culture, enhancing collaboration, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

3. Aligning with Organisational Purpose:

Company values should be intricately linked to the organisation’s purpose. They act as a bridge, connecting the day-to-day operations with the broader mission of the company. When employees understand how their work contributes to the greater purpose, they are more motivated, engaged, and invested in achieving shared goals.

4. Driving Ethical Behaviour:

Articulating and reinforcing company values play a crucial role in promoting ethical behaviour. A strong set of values establishes a moral compass for decision-making, guiding employees to act in ways that are consistent with the organisation’s principles. This not only enhances the company’s reputation but also builds trust among customers, stakeholders, and the wider community.

5. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent:

In the competitive job market, prospective employees seek organisations that align with their personal values. Clear and compelling company values act as a magnet, attracting individuals who resonate with the organisation’s purpose. A values-driven and purpose-led culture fosters employee retention, as individuals are more likely to stay with a company that shares their core beliefs.

In the pursuit of organisational success, the foundation is laid by the clarity, strength, and articulation of company values. These values serve as the bedrock upon which a thriving culture is built, fostering a sense of purpose, ethical behaviour, and a united team. As leaders, it is our responsibility to not only define these values but to ensure they are embedded in the fabric of our organisations, guiding us toward a future of sustained success and positive impact.

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