Tracy is a highly experienced former senior police officer with a strong background in Professional Standards and a wealth of investigative experience. As a manager and leader of large teams she has managed many HR matters including resolving grievances and using mediation as a resolution. She is known for her engaging , empathetic and honest approach.
She forged strong partnerships with diverse communities, businesses and faith groups in London to problem solve community and crime issues to make the public feel safe . She works well in a team and has the confidence and trust of all who work with her .
With a strong background in Professional Standards Tracy has a sound understanding of Employment law, Professional Codes of Behaviour and the Nolan principles. She has investigated and overseen complex criminal and employment related investigations. During her time with TCM she has investigated complex and protracted cases of racial discrimination, bullying and harassment allegations. In addition, she has investigated managerial decisions in relation to safeguarding matters within the health sector.
Tracy sits as a lay member on several Fitness to Practice panels reviewing evidential documents and listening to verbal evidence then working with the panel to reach a determination. She has knowledge of Employment Tribunals and internal discipline hearings.
Tracy is passionate that investigations should be thorough but swift due to the impact on the mental health of staff and disruption to the organisation when drawn over a long period of time.