The Institute of Organisational Dynamics™

Connection with like-minded individuals helps us all to develop, learn, collaborate and succeed. We created The Institute of Organisational Dynamics on that very basis, to enable People & Culture professionals to network and access a variety of resources, learning tools, research and CPD.

Membership is open to individuals and organizations who have an interest in the areas of transformational culture; systems thinking; transformational HR & transformational leadership; sustainable business practices; conflict management; alternative dispute resolution (ADR); restorative justice; organizational development; positive psychology; emotional intelligence; principled negotiation; non-violent communication and behavioral science.

A think tank for the emerging People and Culture profession.

About The Institute of Organisational Dynamics

Our CEO and Founder, David Liddle founded The Institute of Organisational Dynamics in 2021. Seeking to provide a forum for not only its members but also ADR practitioners, HR and OD professionals, coaches, academics, business leaders and many others to come together in the spirit of promoting best practice in the People & Culture space.

To summarize, The Institute of Organisational Dynamics:

Connects people and organizations to each other
Promotes the development of a fair, just, inclusive and high performing company culture
Provides access to events, podcasts, webinars, research and articles
Provides a space for members to learn from each other, share stories and celebrate the benefits of a transformational culture

Become a member today: