Written by: Robyn Marsh

Supporting employee mental health: a guide for leaders

9 Oct 2023

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About the author:

Robyn Marsh
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Positively managing mental health underpins good employee engagement and benefits everyone – employees, employers and the bottom line. A mentally healthy workplace not only benefits employees but also leads to improved productivity and a more engaged company culture. Here are some TCM-approved effective strategies for employers to support the mental health of their employees.

The foundation of any mental health support system in the workplace is to foster a culture of understanding and empathy. Employees should feel safe discussing their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or retaliation. Employers can achieve this by:

  1. Raising awareness: Launch awareness campaigns, workshops, and training programs to educate employees about mental health issues and reduce stereotypes and misconceptions.
  2. Encouraging open communication: Establish an open-door policy where employees can approach their supervisors or HR with concerns. Encourage managers to actively listen and provide support.
  3. Leading by example: Leadership should set the tone by demonstrating that mental health is a priority. When leaders discuss their own mental health challenges, it normalises the conversation.

Offer mental health benefits 

Providing comprehensive mental health benefits is essential for supporting employees’ well-being. Ensure that your company’s health insurance plan includes coverage for mental health services, including therapy and counselling. Consider offering employee programmes that provide confidential support and resources to colleagues facing personal or work-related challenges.

Flexible working 

Flexible work arrangements can significantly reduce stress and improve mental health. Offer options such as remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks to accommodate employees’ individual needs. Recognise that employees may have caregiving responsibilities or may require extra support during challenging times.

Promote work-life balance 

Encourage employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting reasonable expectations regarding working hours and overtime. Implement policies that prevent burnout and support time off for holidays and personal days. Encourage employees to use their allotted holiday time and ensure they feel comfortable doing so.

Training for leaders 

Managers play a pivotal role in supporting employee mental health. Provide training for supervisors on recognising signs of mental distress, offering support, and referring employees to appropriate resources when necessary. Organisations such as MHFA England offer essential and up-to-date mental health training. Equip them with the skills to manage workloads, distribute tasks effectively, and foster a positive team atmosphere.

Stress management programmes 

Introduce stress management programs that help employees develop coping strategies and resilience. These programs can include mindfulness and meditation sessions, stress-reduction workshops, or access to mental health apps and resources.

Encourage physical health 

Physical health and mental health are closely connected. Promote physical well-being by offering gym memberships, organising wellness challenges, and providing healthy food options in the workplace. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and engage in physical activity during the workday.

Monitor workload 

Excessive workloads are a common cause of stress and anxiety. Regularly review and adjust employees’ workloads to ensure they are manageable. Encourage employees to communicate when they are feeling overwhelmed and provide additional resources or support as needed.

Supporting the mental health of employees is not just a moral imperative; it is also a strategic investment in the success and sustainability of your organisation. By creating a safe and supportive workplace, offering mental health benefits, and promoting work-life balance, employers can foster a culture of well-being that benefits everyone. Remember, a mentally healthy workforce is a more productive, engaged, and loyal one. It’s time to prioritise the mental health of your employees, and in doing so, reap the rewards of a healthier, happier, and more harmonious workplace.

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