Online Interviewing Skills for Investigators
Develop the basic foundations for organising and conducting remote investigative interviews.
This online course is designed to provide investigators with the skills to confidently plan and conduct investigation interviews remotely, using virtual platforms. It will cover aspects such as choosing the right platform, the challenges and benefits of remote interviews and how to adapt existing interview skills effectively. Includes an interactive Q&A sessions towards the end.
Designed for experienced investigators, managers and workplace representatives from HR, ER and other investigative and regulatory backgrounds.
This workshop is delivered by TCM’s Head of Investigation and Audit Services.
Cost: £54.99 + VAT £32.99 + VAT
By attending the session, delegates will learn the basic foundations of organising and conducting remote interviews and be confident and competent to run them effectively. They will also learn how to organise their virtual meeting, the pros and cons of remote interviewing, how to adapt their interview technique and how to share evidential documents.
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