Written by: Robyn Marsh

Tips for attracting and retaining top talent

11 Dec 2023

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Robyn Marsh
If you would like to discuss Robyn's post in more detail, please contact Robyn at [email protected]


Attracting and retaining top talent is a key driver of organisational success. As leaders, we must embrace a multifaceted approach that not only attracts top-tier individuals but also fosters an environment where they can thrive and grow. Here are some crucial tips for creating a workplace that not only attracts high-calibre talent but retains them for the long haul.

1. Invest in leadership development:

Great leaders don’t just emerge; they are developed. By investing in leadership development programs, organisations can identify and nurture individuals with the potential to lead. Provide opportunities for current and aspiring leaders to enhance their skills through workshops, mentorship programs, and leadership training from award-winning providers such as Engage Leadership. A strong leadership pipeline not only ensures continuity but also inspires confidence among employees.

2. Coaching for a culture of self-development:

A culture of self-development is fundamental to attracting and retaining top talent. Implement coaching programmes, or use an expert external coaching provider, that empower employees to take ownership of their professional growth. Encourage regular one-on-one coaching sessions, goal-setting exercises, and personalised development plans. When employees feel supported in their individual growth journeys, they are more likely to stay committed and engaged.

3. Promote a safe space with expert investigation services:

Building a safe and inclusive workplace is paramount. Establish fair and transparent investigation services to address any concerns promptly. Creating an environment where employees feel heard and respected is crucial for retention. Fair, thorough and robust investigations not only promote trust but also demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a healthy workplace culture. Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the reporting process and feel confident in using it, with the knowledge that their request will be heard by an expert investigator using a clear process such as TCM’s Triage approach to investigations.

4. Build a culture of compassion and communication with the Resolution Framework™️

An alternative grievance process like the Resolution Framework uses mediation or facilitated conversation to resolve workplace conflicts. This can play a crucial role in retaining talent by fostering a more constructive and collaborative resolution to workplace conflicts. It preserves relationships, offers speedy resolution, empowers employees, maintains confidentiality, and promotes a culture of respect and inclusivity that is bound to attract the best talent.

5. Develop a best-in-class Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

A successful EVP is characterised by the features of a transformational culture i.e. fairness, justice, inclusion, sustainability and high performance. In the new world of work, the role of P&C is to align the needs and aspirations of the workforce with the strategic objectives of the employer. Increasingly, this means that P&C are responsible for aligning the EVP with the customer value proposition (CVP). This is as powerful as it is transformative – it places P&C at the heart of the organisations’ strategy, purpose, vision and values.

Acknowledging and rewarding exceptional performance is a powerful tool for talent retention. Implement a robust recognition program that celebrates achievements, both big and small. Recognition goes beyond monetary rewards; it’s about fostering a culture where individuals feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. TCM’s unique Transformational Performance System™ (TPS for short) enables employees, teams and their managers to thrive and flourish. It’s heavy on coaching, nudge theory, positive psychology, emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry. TPS won’t work in organisations who do ‘command and control’. It does work in organisations which want to create happier, healthier, more harmonious and higher performing teams.

In conclusion, attracting and retaining top talent requires a holistic approach that combines leadership development, coaching for self-development, fair investigation services, and a commitment to employee well-being. By creating a workplace culture that values growth, inclusivity, and transparency, organisations can not only attract the best talent but also cultivate an environment where they thrive and contribute to the long-term success of the company.

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