Sammy Halil, Claims Adjuster at AIG – Resolution Champions
"Stephen is a fantastic trainer! His style is both professional and engaging. He is effective in getting the content across and holding your attention. The training went so fast because he keeps you very well engaged and involved throughout."
Emma Kendrick-Jones, Team Manager (Claims) at American Insurance Group (AIG) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I really enjoyed the training days led by Steve as he has so much knowledge and experience to convey in such a fresh practical way. The course is full of content and practical learning opportunities, and teaches you so much about the process of mediation and about yourself. The assessment days were great – so helpful to see the format of the whole day/process in context. I also liked hearing/seeing others’ approach – a really valuable insight into differences in style. I hope I will have an opportunity to act as a mediator soon, meanwhile I will be applying the skills and strategies that I have learnt to my role as a manager immediately, as well as in my personal relationships."
Charlotte Walsgrove, HR Advisor at American Insurance Group (AIG) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The TCM course in Workplace Mediation was a really insightful and enjoyable course to take part in. I learnt so much over the 6 days that will not only help me when mediating but in other areas of my work and personal life too. I enjoyed the role play and taking part as a mediator, party and observer. I will apply the skills and strategies learnt in a mediation setting but also in my personal life and work life when I have conversations with others. I will also apply the skills in my role as a HR Advisor."
Patrick Fennelly, Head of EMEA/APAC Legal Ops at American Insurance Group (AIG) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The facilitators were so engaging, and the course was well thought out. It helped me reflect in so many ways and made me think like a mediator. I learnt that workplace mediation requires a set of specific skills that are so different from commercial mediating. I’ll be able to use what I have learnt in so many ways; in my day job professionally and even my personal life and absolutely in mediation by following the structure and tools available. I couldn’t commend and recommend TCM and the facilitators more highly."
Lucy Macklin, HR Officer at Unison – Core Investigation Skills
"I loved this training (I think we all did) and I couldn’t recommend Gary as a trainer enough. He was so engaging which says a lot as must be hard to keep people switched for 3 hours at a time when training through a screen! It met my needs and I would feel fairly confident assisting with an investigation. Gary did go into some high level styles of questioning which I think will take a lot of practice so I would say 7. I really think our managers would benefit from this, even more so than us because we will be supporting them as the investigating officer."
Geoff Godwin, Chief Operating Officer at American Insurance Group (AIG) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Brilliant course, with a perfect balance of theory and practical based learning. I would recommend!"
Helen Taylor, Senior HR&D Partner at American Insurance Group (AIG) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I enjoyed learning about the models and how to use them to steer conversations in daily life as well as work. I was having an HR conversation and realised someone had an issue with their psychological safety as I related their issues back to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I also found it useful to consider the language I use more carefully as this course has made me realise the impact of it and how it could be unintentionally leading. The skills and strategies learnt will be very useful for my role in HR but also more widely they are useful skills to have. I am keen to facilitate a meeting after the training, as it will be harder to pick it up and remember if many months have passed. Overall, great sessions delivered by Steve. The training was really comprehensive, useful and relevant but also enjoyable. It is a long six days as there is a lot of content but is worth the effort and I have taken away lots of skills to use both at work and at home."
Noel Sheehan, Head of Laboratory Services at AB Vista
"Any business can have issues with conflict between individuals and this can quickly escalate to an unhappy team. Most people are not automatically equipped to deal with this and sometimes expert guidance is needed, which TCM can provide."
Viv Lawrence, Organisation Development Lead at Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council – Resolution Champions
"A very professional and knowledgeable trainer who created a safe environment for people to share experiences and views. I particularly enjoyed hearing experiences of the tutor, as well as the group discussions and debates to learn about other delegates experiences. I hope to use what I have learnt to support the Resolution Contacts and help embed this approach across the organisation."
Hannah Goodacre, Employee Relations Specialist at Morgan Stanley – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The Workplace Mediation course surpassed my expectations. I would highly recommend this course. The trainer was excellent – he is clearly a very talented mediator and he shared his valuable experience and knowledge and created confidence in us as mediators. The role plays were the most useful as they highlighted how challenging mediation is and provided a safe environment for us to practice what we had learnt. I hope to be able to use the skills and strategies learnt in practice at work by offering mediation ahead of matters escalating to formal grievances."