Anna-Sarah Jenkins, Head of Employee Relations EMEA at the Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Despite the course being online, I felt that there was great camaraderie amongst the delegates. Johanna’s teaching style really brought the group together and made the subject come to life. No question was too irrelevant/silly. Johanna’s own mediation experiences assisted in better understanding the concepts. The scenarios cover a variety of situations I would expect to face, so good to have dealt with these and experience some of the tensions. Would recommend!"
Clara McSweeney, HR Business Partner at MTR Elizabeth Line – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The trainers at TCM are outstanding, they have the right amount of challenge and support needed when learning something new. I particularly enjoyed learning the theory behind the techniques, really interesting to understand the theory behind the logic. I will use the skills and strategies taught to try and encourage conflicts to be reconciled before they become unmanageable or formal grievances are raised."
Maura Grossi, HR Business Partner at Mercedes-Benz Parts Logistics UK – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The trainer was very professional, knowledgeable and kept us all engaged. The training was fun, at times intense, but overall relevant, informative, and thought-provoking. I think in everyday interaction a lot of the skills taught are relevant. The PIN model is a great one to use to try and get people on the same page and I have had the opportunity to use this already. I also think reframing is invaluable to take the sting out of the situation so to speak. I enjoyed the breakout sessions which allowed you not only to interact with your colleagues but share perspectives and own experience."
Michelle Richardson, HR Manager at Cleveland Fire Brigade – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was interesting and fun. I enjoyed the role play; having the opportunity to participate as mediator and party really allowed for you to get into the head of each which gave a greater understanding from both sides. I’m really glad that roleplay was introduced from day one so we were eased into it rather than being dropped into it on assessment day. The Delegate Zone was a good area with all resources at hand and the knowledge and skills of the trainer was excellent."
Philip McLeod, Portfolio Management Office Manager at HMRC – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I can highly recommend TCM and their National Certificate in Workplace Mediation in particular. A wonderful learning experience, with a great trainer administered impressively by a high-quality company."
Sonia Pearcey, Ambassador for Cultural Change/Freedom to Speak Up Guardian at Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I enjoyed meeting likeminded individuals who will continue to be a supportive network and the structure to the mediation process to ensure psychological safety for both the mediator and the parties. Emily was very helpful and provided informative information via the Delegate Zone to read beforehand, which was easily accessible and a great source of knowledge. The trainer was fantastic! Flexible in their delivery and ensured that we ‘wouldn’t fail on her watch’. Open to suggestions and gave us all time to process the information, the trainer created a safe and inclusive learning environment. I will use what I have learnt to facilitate and further development of an inclusive mediation service in our organisation."
Emma Redfern, HR Advisor at Surrey Choices – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was insightful, enjoyable and worthwhile. I found the group conversations and role play useful. It was good to hear the experiences and knowledge from other participants, all of which added to the overall knowledge learned. Given the challenges of COVID, the course administration and set up were handled very well. I am looking forward to being able to use all that I have learnt in practice."
Louise Rance, Director at LMR Consulting – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I did a lot of research when I was deciding which organisation to train with to become a workplace mediator. I had also completed some inhouse training with TCM previously. I was happy that I did choose TCM who are a leader in the field of workplace mediation. The online course was well structured and informative, I particularly enjoyed the mixture of theory and practical experiential practice. I learned a lot from observing the different stages of mediation and the role plays. The trainer was excellent, very experienced in mediation and clear in her communications. I can’t think of anything that would have made the course better."
Michael Jarvis, Head of HR Consulting – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"As a practitioner of many years in the field, I was very pleasantly surprised by the simplicity in the structure and the great value in holding to it, using obvious skills. This will be most helpful in ensuring progress, focus and sustained commitment. We tend to allow these processes to wander – this provides the tools to achieve the same result quicker and more sustainably. Clearly needs lots of experience to hold to the course material – excellently managed. Calm and un-hurried but carried us through perfectly on time!"
Sarah Smith, HR Consultant at SSHR – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The National Certificate in Workplace Mediation course delivered a thorough, well-structured and engaging learning experience, with plenty of opportunities to put theoretical learning into practice in role-plays. The assessed mediation day was a tiring one, but ultimately a rewarding and valuable learning experience. I have learned a lot not only through direct experience (with constructive, critical feedback) but also by observing and giving feedback to other delegates. I will be offering mediation as part of my HR Consultancy work, so I hope to have a real case to mediate in the near future. In the meantime, I plan to practise the core skills (open questioning, active listening, summarising and demonstrating impartiality) in my ongoing HR work, for example, when managing disciplinary or grievance investigations."