Dianne Bradbury, Nurse Manager at Center Parcs (Woburn Forest) – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was inspiring, insightful and thought-provoking. Watching the course structure cleverly unravel the mediation process into a resolution. I also liked the clever tools to use to resolve conflict."
Natalie Kershaw, Exec Accommodation Manager at Center Parcs – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Best course I have even been on! Extremely well structured and delivered – inspirational and motivational. Can’t wait to put the skills into practice!"
Jay Hookins, Deputy Leisure Manager at Center Parcs – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Thought-provoking and informative course – many management skills learned that will be applied in my daily work. The practical assessment enabled me to process the different elements of holding a mediation conversation."
Amanda Morison, Deputy Spa Manager at Center Parcs – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Excellent training providing not only mediation skills to use in the workplace but also valuable life skills."
Fiona O’Leary, HOD Housekeeping at Center Parcs – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Best course I’ve been on in a long time – I loved all of it! The trainers were so enthusiastic and encouraging."
Michael Dennison, Duty Village Manager at Center Parcs – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Very engaged trainers who are incredibly passionate about their roles, and sharing their knowledge and experience."
Lorraine Nixon, Head of Secretariat & Freedom To Speak Up Guardian at Princess Alexandra Hospital
"The Managing Conflict Masterclass run by the TCM Group is the best one I have attended in my entire NHS Career. The class gives you a completely different way of managing conflict in the workplace – which has been successful for me. David Liddle – fantastic and extremely informative and motivating. Thank you for the opportunity."
Simon Campbell-Gurry, Trade Union Lead at NATS – Practical Investigation Skills
"An enjoyable, interesting and well-taught course that covered a very wide scope. It allows me to ensure that investigators are compiling good, well structured reports. Hopefully this will help things to improve. Another informative and well-structured course delivered by TCM."
Susannah Marsden, Director of Student and Academic Services/Registrar at City, University of London – Practical Investigation Skills
"This course was delivered excellently, it not only gave me skills, but gave me confidence in managing what can be the most difficult part of working life. I enjoyed all elements of the course, especially the expertise and meeting others. The theory really helped the practical to work. I will use what I have learnt when asked to lead an investigation, to support others undertaking an investigation and to review investigations that I commission."
Karolina Kobylnik, Workforce Strategy, Policy and Performance Manager at Powys Teaching Health Board – Practical Mediation Skills
"I would like to thank TCM for enabling us to provide Mediation Training to our staff in Powys Teaching Health Board. The content was extremely informative and incredibly useful. Personally, I found it very educational and enjoyable, partly due to the way the day was structured and partly due to the fact our trainer was a warm and lovely person. I appreciate the trainer was flexible as we work in a busy environment and often have to adjust our day depending on the unexpected priorities. I appreciate we had an opportunity to do some practical exercises – this is exactly what I have expected from the training. I believe the staff who attended the training will utilise learnt skills in their day to day jobs and management of their teams. You have done a wonderful job. I would be happy to recommend you to my NHS colleagues."