Jenny Smith, HRBP at Essex County Fire & Rescue Service – Facilitated Conversations
"An excellent course – the preparation helped to ensure the course was very relevant to our needs, and the tutor was amazing at engaging us with the content – his knowledge and expertise was inspiring. I hope to use what I have learnt in both informal discussions and facilitated conversations."
Deyna Birthwright, Apprenticeship Lead at Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Core Mediation Skills
"The course was informative, inspirational, and meaningful. I enjoyed the interactive examples to explain practical tools, the explanation of different frameworks and acronyms, and the useful models. I will apply some of the tools/skills when having conversations with managers and their apprentices to manage the early stages of conflict, to identify where there may be a need for mediation services and to generally help build trustworthy working relationships across my organisation. I would highly recommend."
Carole Armes, Ward Manager at Ashford & St. Peters Hospital – Practical Mediation Skills
"A brilliant course with lots of positive skills learnt. A course that will enable me to facilitate a mediation and know that I am doing the right thing."
Elliot Cohen, Policy Advisor at Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Practical Mediation Skills
"This course changed the way I think about myself and how I can use that to affect the way I behave and the behaviour of others. I enjoyed all of it – understanding human behaviours, tools/techniques to diffuse situations, reflection. I also really liked the trainer’s presentation style and information provided. Would definitely recommend!"
Kate Abbott, HR at Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Brilliant training and excellent facilitator – I can’t think of a more practical training experience! I can think of a thousand ways to use my learning from this mediation training. It was all very useful, but I guess the practice was the most valuable. I hope to use what I have learnt to support the development of a mediation offer in Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and also practice mediation as a manager, partner, colleague, friend and parent."
Steve Tovey, HRBP at Essex County Fire & Rescue Service – Facilitated Conversations
"Exceptional, engaging facilitator. Interesting and valued tools with immediate benefits in the workplace."
Sheida Ghadakchian, Economic Advisor at Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Practical Mediation Skills
"I really enjoyed this course. Might be the best course I’ve ever been on. Completely different to what I expected but so amazing. The trainer was very inspirational! I liked all of it, but absolutely loved the concept of principal. I hope to use the skills in my daily interactions with people, not just at work but also in my personal life. Thank you!"
Marie Eaton, HR Director at Action Against Hunger – Practical Mediation Skills
"A practical and highly engaging course designed to offer conflict resolution at an early stage. I will definitely reflect on my learning from the role play – perhaps develop tools to prompt the flow of the discussion that I can use confidently during real-life mediation scenarios. Would recommend!"
Samantha West, Policy Adviser at Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Core Mediation Skills
"I thoroughly enjoyed this course and I think all managers should attend this training, not just individuals under the HR directors. Learning how to respond to different questions which ask your opinion was good. As the Diversity and Inclusion and Bullying and Harassment lead, this will be useful if colleagues come to me with different scenarios."
Roshni Mistry, Grievance Assessor at Metropolitan Police Service – Practical Mediation Skills
"Not just another course – the skills learnt have planted the seed and will continue to grow and evolve. I will use the skills as part of my role to promote mediation. Hopefully I will get a chance to shadow a mediator and put this into practice."