Jonathon Williams, Leadership Facilitator at Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"TCM are without question a professional outfit, every member of staff was knowledgeable, courteous and engaging. The mediation benchmark has been set. I particularly like having the time to absorb what you have learned, I think breaking the week up is a nice way to assimilate the information as it can get quite heavy. Excellent location and facilitators, friendly staff and good environment, and pacing and delivery of content was pertinent and conducive to learning. Would definitely recommend!"
Helen Reed, HRBP at Satellite Applications Catapult – Practical Mediation Skills
"The course was insightful, thorough and very well presented – really supported my development. I am now really keen to become an accredited mediator. Really insightful training. The trainer was great and he adopted a style of delivery that was really engaging and made me want to get involved. I hope to use what I have learnt by developing a conflict resolution policy, by mediating internally and by training a cohort of mediators."
Helen Gunner, Hampshire County Council – Practical Mediation Skills
"Firstly, can I just say how much I enjoyed the two days with you and your colleagues. Right from the very start of day one when both Lisajay and Emily greeted and welcomed me, your trainer Thomas who was so lively and helpful in his delivery and in answering my very many questions…. A great two days – I have come back buzzing with ideas and enthusiasm to get things moving. Having thoroughly enjoyed the PMS course – I have taken lots of refreshed skills, knowledge and ideas into our Hampshire project."
Emma Sanders, Workplace Investigator – Practical Investigation Skills
"An excellent, informative and interactive course. Full of practical skills, thought-provoking and highly useful, knowledgeable content used. The listening exercise was excellent – I loved it! I will use what I have learnt to challenge my previous learning and to adapt new styles."
Sarah Phillips, Creative Producer at Historic Royal Palaces – Conflict Resolution Skills
"I really appreciated the dynamic delivery which cam across as both meaningful and thorough, yet still responsive to the needs of the delegates in the room. Particularly liked the opportunity to hear other viewpoints and perspectives across organisations. I also liked exploring different styles of conflict management and having the time to identify my skills and how I can use them. Very well prepared and the skills we learnt are useful for day to day life!"
Ihor Kruk, Executive Staff Officer at Alberta Teachers Association – Practical Investigation Skills
"This is the third TCM event I have attended – all were brilliant. Excellent logistics, excellent content and excellent presenter."
Fiona Townsend, HR Manager at Bytes Software Services – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"TCM provided a great opportunity share and learn with other likeminded people. The knowledge of their trainers is quite vast, and they are able to offer guidance and examples that really help you understand the process of mediation. I will be using the skills learned to not only mediate if absolutely necessary but to try and resolve issues before they reach that stage."
Delegate – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"There are so many skills from this course that can be used on a day to day basis when dealing with people. The trainer’s passion for the subject was great, he provided us with so many practical examples and anecdotes which definitely livened up a subject which otherwise could be dry. At work, I aim to offer this service to staff both within my immediate team and wider. I would also like to offer the service to our partnership organisations."
Deborah McCarthy, ER Manager at Deloitte – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Highly recommend this course to anyone/organisation considering mediation!"
Anissa Nahal, Head of HR at Novartis – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was excellent – both theory and practical aspects of the context. The skills and strategies learnt can be applied in general to problem solving and conflict resolution. However specially to structured mediation processes."