Caroline Price, Colleague Relations Partner at Tesco – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I am absolutely thrilled to have attended the mediation course. Jerome was just fantastic and super engaging the whole week. The way the course was delivered was excellent. It was super engaging when covering heavy content and watching it come to life through practice role plays and examples was fantastic. I have learnt so much and really valued the role play content. I feel I can apply this learning within the workplace as a means to resolving conflict but also in my personal life. In subtle ways to get people thinking about how they interact. Thank you so much! ???? "
Stacey Pix, Workplace & Change Partner at Tesco – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Fantastic course – really brings to life what mediation really is, providing and exciting learning environment to practice your new-found skills. The delivery style was great and there was just the right amount of theory."
Bethany Tatler, HR Advisor at The British Museum – Practical Mediation Skills
"I have learnt so many useful skills to take away and reflect on, I feel I will be more self-aware and ready to mediate a real session! The role play makes it feel real and prepares you for mediation. I also liked the many different angles e.g. psychology models."
Maria Bujanowska, Head of National Partnerships at The British Museum – Practical Mediation Skills
"I found the training hugely informative and it helped me reflect on my practice as a manager. I mostly liked the cross over with good people management skills. I will use what I have learnt in general staff meetings, hopefully mediating at some point."
Christine Thorby, Planning Inspector at The Planning Inspectorate – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"An excellent course which gave me a real insight and proper understanding of mediation."
Rachel Holmes, ER Partner at Tesco – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"A fun and energetic way to engage your team to tackle conflict resolution within the business, through an informal process. I particularly liked the energy and passion of our trainer who naturally made us feel engaged and wanting (eager) to learn more! Amazing!"
Stephanie McFarland, Employee Relations Partner at Tesco – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"A passionate and inspirational training course that will enrich your skills and change your mindset. There was so much I liked, but particularly the energy and clear passion shown by both trainers. It’s so easy to get excited and to believe in something when it is so evident the people giving you the skills show it with every action. I can’t think of anything that would have made the course better – I feel so supported."
Eleanor Bones, Policy Advisor at Tesco – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"What a wonderful and enjoyable six days! From knowing nothing about mediation to becoming a qualified mediator, it’s been a fantastic learning experience. I really enjoyed the upbeat atmosphere even by day 6! I particularly liked the aspect of being able to put it all into practice through role plays and the fact that I can use these techniques not just in work but in day to day life."
Rachel Johnson, Assistant HR Adviser at Northumberland County Council – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"I didn’t really know what to expect at the beginning of the course so I particularly liked how the trainer broke everything down into chunks, explained things again if we weren’t sure and summarised the day with us at the end. The skills that I have picked up will come in useful in my HR role as I deal with people every day, particularly active listening and reframing. I wouldn’t change anything – it was a perfect mix of theory and practical for me. Overall, a great course that I looked forward to coming to. Very engaging from beginning to end – I have learnt a lot more about people in general than I thought I would. Everything taught to us had a purpose and was used in the assessment. I look forward to putting this knowledge into practice. Thank you!"
John Newland, Senior Sponsor (Property) at Network Rail – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was fun, uplifting and supportive. The style of learning is really very positive and I feel gets excellent results. I know I have a lot to learn but I feel well prepared to continue my learning. I hope to start mediation as quickly as possible working as a co-mediator. This training was simply the most productive and informative I have ever experienced. I feel real value was added and the trainers were simply excellent."