Camillia Emine, Service Manager at Central London Community Healthcare – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"TCM is a great company. The trainers are very knowledgeable and they work hard to ensure that all participants are competent enough to mediate by the end of the course. The course was insightful and informative. I felt that the pace was quite good and I particularly liked having the opportunity to undertake scenarios was very useful and helpful in understanding the process. I will apply my learning both in my personal and professional life – I am already aware of a case I need to mediate. Overall an intense but enjoyable course!"
Lesley Grieve, Service Development Manager at Northumberland County Council – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course was very informative and interactive. I was unclear of what to expect at first but the delivery, resources, tools and knowledge were excellent! I particularly liked learning the theory and then putting what we learnt into practice. I also liked the fact that we were stopping and learning as we went on. I learnt lots of new and transferable skills such as reframing which I can make good use of. I will try and use what I have learnt in many every day management situations. Overall, excellent trainer, excellent materials and a great use of skills!"
Sophia Best, Police Officer at Wiltshire Police – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Exceeded my expectations. The knowledge of both facilitators is phenomenal and with their personal examples it made a very powerful and impactive learning environment. I particularly liked the energy of both trainers. They are very passionate about what they do and this is evident in the way they present the course. I will be ensuring that my employer puts my skills to use as soon as possible. I will continue to learn and refresh the skills learnt to build on them and I intend to maintain contain with the trainers to support me moving forward. A totally inspiring and informative course which equips you with the knowledge and skills to be a successful mediator. I enjoyed the whole experience and I would do it all over again. I would 100% recommend this course!"
Manager at LAS – Practical Mediation Skills
"A lot of powerful, useful tools to not only use personally, but also in the working environment. I liked that it was practical to embed the theory learned and provided practical skills to handle conflict situations better and more effectively. Very informative, empowering course sharing a lot of very practical information and used examples that can be related to in the organisation."
Helen Batchelor, ER Specialist at Compass Group – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The National Certificate in Workplace Mediation was challenging but fun! There was lots to learn and great practical examples. Passionate and motivating facilitators, a really enjoyable course and a very valuable skill learnt. I will apply my learning in my role with dispute resolution."
Liz Aplin, Operational Training Manager at Portsmouth City Council – Practical Mediation Skills
"The Practical Mediation Skills course was very illuminative, interactive and informative. The training fully met my objectives, I particularly liked the opportunity to practice skills, breaking down of skill components, pulling apart the process to understand when, what, how, etc. I will apply this learning by undertaking mediation and sharing skills with others. Overall, it was an extremely enjoyable and informative course. Thank you."
Caryn Pope, HR Business Partner at Hewlett-Packard Ltd – Practical Mediation Skills
"The course was great. It was well-paced and I feel that I have gained a lot of information over the two days. The training raised my skill level and I now believe I can apply this learning in every employee/employer meeting even if it is not about conflict. An insightful and enjoyable course overall."
Jess Knight, ER Specialist at Compass Group – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course leader was great. He really engaged in overall discussion and helped us to consolidate the learning and put it into practice. A great motivator during the sessions where role-play was used. I really liked the practical elements of the course. It gave us a real insight into the challenges."
Linsay Waddell, HR Business Partner at Skills Development Scotland – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Bola and TCM delivered the most powerful piece of workplace learning I have ever had. It was more than what I expected so that was fantastic. Bola was engaging, passionate and brought the course to life. It was fun, engaging, insightful and I would recommend to anyone! Absolutely fantastic!"
Jenna Ashley-Taylor, HR Generalist at HSBC – National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"An insightful course that provides transferrable skills for within and outside of the workplace, with skillful, knowledgeable and engaging trainers. I will use many of the tools and frameworks in my day to day role and take part in the mediator conference calls."