Emma Holden, HR Manager at the Ellior UK HR as Mediator and Peacemaker, July 2012
"Great course,very informative and engaging. I would highly recommend it to a colleague or friend. There was a very good balance of theory and practical work."
Theresa Mcgoldrick, Director of Student Services at the University of West of England National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Thank you for a milestone educational experience."
Paul Coward, Student Advisor at the University of Surrey National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The training provided by TCM challenged me to think differently about the way we deal with conflict and the knowledge gained will be useful both in the workplace and in life in general."
Sheila Robertson, Advisor at the Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association Practical Mediation Skills
"The structure and content of the course were very good. Each delegate gained hands-on practice through the realistic case studies and the final role play. Overall the course was useful challenging and enjoyable. The training and the skills I obtained will prove to be very useful for my role in the future."
Janet Godolphin, Deputy Dean at the University of Surrey National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Having been at the university for over 8 years, this is the most useful course I have attended by far! Initially I felt a bit reluctant to give up 5 days, but time was used very well. I now appreciate that it would not have been possible to achieve the same amazing learning outcomes with less time. The course was challenging with transferable and applicable skills."
Mary Sampson, HR Manager at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Trust Mediators’ Networking Event
"The event was amazing. Great networking opportunities, people passionate about mediation all over the place and overall a very professional event inside a great venue."
Sophie Theadon, Human Resources Manager at the Financial Times HR as Mediator and Peacemaker
"I thought the course was relevant, insightful and extremely useful. A great training session. which provides mediation skills and knowledge that can be used instantly. Thank you."
Carol Russell Head of Employee Relations, BT Retail
"Over the past two years, mediation has made a significant contribution to our business. By working with TCM to train a team of internal mediators, we have already cut the cost of conflict by many hundreds of thousands of pounds. The satisfaction rate amongst employees who enter mediation is far greater than any other ER process I have encountered. I was a strong advocate of making mediation more widely available across the BT Group and I am glad that, with TCM’s guidance and expert support, mediation is now available to employees across the entire group."
Gail Simpson Employee Relations Consultant, City of London Corporation
"Before TCM helped us to set up our mediation service we had a very skeletal conflict resolution service. It couldn’t adequately meet the case work that was arising in the organisation. Mediation has helped us to cope with the volume and complexity of these cases."
Cathy Brown, Faculty Manager at University College London Managing Difficult Conversations
"I think the course was challenging and thought-provoking. The role plays were extremely useful and this training gave me a lot of practical tips and skills that I will be using in the workplace."