Customer feedback by year

A selection of the incredible customer and delegate feedback that we receive every day.

Mark Turner, The University of Southampton.
"The enthusiasm and professionalism of the trainers was an inspiration."
Tony Cooper, Head of Staff Development, The University of Southampton
"One of the most challenging and empowering development days I have attended in ages!"
Mary Siddall, Senior Legal Advisor, University of Southampton Internal Mediation Scheme
"TCM have trained our mediators and they have brought a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm to the subject. This has inspired us to set up our own scheme which is now showing us real benefits in terms of managing dispute resolution. ‘Like many large organisations, we have a lot of staff complaints, disputes, lots of conflict in the workplace which is very draining on everyone who becomes involved with it. And using TCM to help set up our mediation service has given us a completely different option in terms of managing that conflict."
Sujita Patel Internal Mediator, Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust
"The TCM Group was invited to train mediators as part of setting up a mediation scheme for Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust. The accredited mediation training is an excellent and varied course that holds your interest and attention all the way through. TCM trainers also provide outstanding support and guidance at all stages of learning to be a workplace mediator."
Timothy Henry, Acting Deputy Director for UNRWA Operations Mediation Awareness & Skills, December 2011
"TCM provides beneficial services and training for good workplace relationship management."
Dave Rowe, General Manager at the Royal Air Force Museum Managing Difficult Conversations, December 2011
"Overall, the course content was good and a useful reminder of how to approach, manage and evaluate difficult circumstances which we, as a museum, sometimes deny the existence of."
Vicki Hibbert, Corporate Events Manager at the Royal Air Force Museum Managing Difficult Conversations, December 2011
"The skills to counter conflict are extremely useful and this course has left me armed for the future."
Isobel Moore, HR Manager at Rydon Group Ltd Core Mediation Skills , December 2011
"A really helpful introduction to mediation. I particularly liked the pairing and group exercises but my favorite part was the role playing."
James Laming, HR Manager at Hestia Core Mediation Skills, December 2011
"This course was both inspirational and useful in the immediate term in dealing with conflict and which gave opportunity for interaction."
Shani Smith, Retail Manager at the Royal Air Force Museum Managing Difficult Conversations, December 2011
"This course was a full breakdown on raising difficult conversations, from start to closure."