2012 & earlier
Gail Simpson, City Of London Police Spring 2009
"It was hands down the best thing I have ever done. Beccie was amazing. I can’t wait to start using my new skills."
Lord Irving, Lord Chancellor, 2009
"Mediation is much more interactive than litigation. It enables the parties to participate to a greater degree in exposing and resolving the issues at stake. They have a sense of ownership of the resolutions they agree which they do not have for court imposed solutions."
David, Programme Manager of an Educational Institute 2008
"I thought both mediators acted professionally and skilfully throughout the day – I was extremely impressed by the whole experience."
Jo Singleton, Head of HR, Ascent Media Group National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, 2008
"A challenging and thought provoking course."
Debs Pogson, HR Manager, Witwood food Products National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, 2008
"The mediation process is an extremely powerful tool in the workplace. I can’t believe how much I have learned and how useful it will be in my work environment."
Nikki Robson, Workplace Mediator GCHQ. Practical Team Mediation and Facilitation Skills, 2008
"This was an excellent course. It had structure and clear objectives which we worked towards at a good pace. The level of engagement and input from colleagues on the course was very high. Thank you!"
Paul Holder, Professional Mediator. Practical Team Mediation and Facilitation Skills, 2008
"High quality training with strong feel good factor."
Mike Emmott , CIPD Employee Relations Adviser 2007
"Employers must provide the relevant training for line managers and invest in mediation if they are serious about reducing the damage caused by conflict at work. While most organisations train managers to use disciplinary and grievance procedures, too many are failing to recognise the value of mediation and training in dealing with conflict more generally."
Michael Gibbons, Department for Trade and Industry 2007
"The overall purpose of this review [of the Dispute Resolution Regulations, 2004] is to bring about effective resolution of disputes as early as possible. The consequences of success would be less disruption to workplaces and to individuals, careers, and reduced burdens on the resources of all concerned – employers, employees and the state."
Michael Gibbons, Department for Trade and Industry 2007
"The Government should challenge all employer and employee organisations to commit to implementing and promoting early dispute resolution, e.g. through greater use of in-house mediation, early neutral evaluation, and provisions in contracts of employment."