2012 & earlier
W. Cartledge, Dermatology Nurse Specialist, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust Practical Mediation Skills
"It will help me towards problem resolution in the workplace and was a fascinating insight into the world of mediation."
W. Bunn, Operations Manager, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust Practical Mediation Skills
"I will give it a go next week! Mediation is not usually for the feint hearted and this provides a scaffold to cling to when the storm is blowing."
H. Riley, Clinical Team Lead, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust Practical Mediation Skills
"I particularly enjoyed the easy to follow framework. The trainers showed excellent knowledge and skill and were very sensitive to our needs."
C. Mingay, Operations Manager, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust Practical Mediation Skills
"This course was extremely useful for assessing how new approaches are affecting everyone and how to adjust things to stop staff becoming disgruntled."
Eilette, Pecan Managing Anger, Confrontation and Aggression
"I loved the understanding that came from the volcano exercise and ‘how to take the conflict out’ exercise. This course was set up for workers at Pecan, however it will be equally useful in my everyday life."
Luse McNeilly, Pecan Managing Anger, Confrontation and Aggression
"It was brilliant and fantastic and everything is there. It helped me learn a lot on how to deal with difficult situations."
Debbie King, Pecan Managing Anger, Confrontation and Aggression
"The whole journey we were taken through- the fact that it was both theoretical and practical and the different activities were really helpful."
Irene, Pecan Managing Anger, Confrontation and Aggression
"The trainer (Edward) has a very open and friendly attitude which encourage people to take part and also share (sometimes sensitive) stories which was really helpful to the whole group. This was a very good and fun day – Well done."
Olaniyi, Pecan Managing Anger, Confrontation and Aggression
"Observation and evaluation – not to impose my feelings or judgement on someone else. Excellent."
Ian Langdon, Hertfordshire Constabulary The National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"The course is challenging but ultimately very useful and satisfying; I feel I have been introduced to a range of useful skills of many varied applications."