2012 & earlier
Mgunda Betsworth, Hertfordshire Constabulary
"I found the course challenging but very enjoyable, it has taught me the skills I require to be a workplace mediator, and also some valuable skills to use in my professional development. Beccie was an excellent tutor; her enthusiasm and energy were infectious!"
Ian Langdon, Hertfordshire Constabulary
"The course is challenging but ultimately very useful and satisfying; I feel I have been introduced to a range of useful skills of many varied applications."
Lynn Jack – HR Manager, Visit Scotland
"Well-paced, informative session that gives an excellent insight for staff that have an interest in becoming an internal mediator."
Breige Toner, Visit Scotland The National Certificate in Workplace Mediation
"Excellent course. I have definitely come away with a better knowledge of what mediation is and the tools to mediate."
Mark Hunt, Solicitor, Best Practice Review
"TCM provide a challenging and stimulating environment to learn the art of mediation."
Barry Lavers, Hertfordshire Constabulary.
"This was an enjoyable and challenging course which was very worthwhile."
Nicole Battain, Comet
"This course is very informative and provides great learning and insight into the mediator role."
Graeme Davis, HR Advisor,The National Probation Service, Northumbria
"TCM have provided an excellent training package on mediation processes which will be of added value to Northumbria Probation Area."
Barbara Holdhusen, HR Director, The National Probation Service, Northumbria
"An excellent course which developed lots of practical skills in dealing with conflict – not just through a formal mediation process, but in everyday work as a manager."
K. K. Poonia – Diversity Manager, The University of Southampton
"Excellent training opportunity, practical to give enough confidence to go into the ‘real’ world and do mediation."