2012 & earlier
Kara Bolland, HR Manager at Brunelcare Practical Investigation & Interviewing skills, November 2011
"A great interactive and informative course. A good level of discussion and interaction. There was a lot of activities to keep interesting."
Emma Read, HR Manager at Diamond Resorts Practical Investigation & Interviewing skills, November 2011
"First time I have been shown best practices for interview and investigation skills. This course was enjoyable, insightful and practical. Some real skills to use in real life."
Sheima Vala, Senior HR adviser at National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence Practical Investigation & Interviewing skills, November 2011
"This course was food for thought."
Sonal Dhulashia, Senior HR Adviser at Nabarro Managing Difficult Conversations, November 2011
"It was engaging. There were enough activities to show and practice the points made."
Nicola, operations support officer at UNRWA Conflict Management and non-violent Communications, November 2011
"These two days have sown seeds for clearer communications."
Deljit Nahr, HR Advisor at Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association Core Mediation Skills, November 2011
"course was very informative. It highlighted how much preparation and structure are needed. The trainer, Thomas, was very good and knowledgeable on the subject."
Paul Coward, Student Advisor at the University of Surrey National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, October 2011
"The training provided by TCM challenged me to think differently about the way to deal with conflict. The knowledge gained will be useful both in the workplace and in life in general."
Simar Singhall, Independent Consultant National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, October 2011
"Excellent course that combines the theory and practice in a supportive learner focused environment."
Laurie McNabb, Registrar at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, October 2011
"I learned a tremendous amount over the course and it has been a fantastic experience. I look forward to conducting mediation in the future, taking future courses at TCM and continuing a relationship with TCM. Thank you very much."
Sandra Pressley, Senior Nurse at The Noble’s Hospital National Certificate in Workplace Mediation, October 2011
"I liked the informal approach and use of humour balanced with serious learning and discussion. The role play was particularily useful as a learning tool. The training experience was intense but allowed both learning and practice from all aspects of the process."